Thales in the ‘waters’ of modern art

OTE group telecommunications museum | Art Workshops

M art in collaboration with the OTE group Τelecommunications Μuseum is organizing for the second year a digital meeting with the remote schools of Greece. 

Join us one more time to discover together ways of communication through art and to create! 

Thales in the ‘waters’ of modern art

Inspired by the work of the American artist Roy Lichtenstein and simple materials, such as paper boxes and crayons, kids get inspired by the history of the cable ship «Thalis Milisios», which laid underwater cables and are called to discover the diffusion of the water as well as to express themselves through their personal artistic work.

*Before the starting of the program, a short digital tour of the permanent exhibition of the museum will take place. 


Suitable for ages: 8-12

Dates of Conduct: 

28/11, 5/12, 3/4

Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm


This program is free and aimed exclusively to remote schools in Greece.

For more information:

Call centre: 2109246600

ext: 201 | Rena Kalogerini

ext: 211 | Roi Kosmopoulou, Penny Kostaki

email :

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