Ring-ring! A puppet story comes alive at the Museum!

OTE group telecommunications museum| Art Workshops

M art in a collaboration with the OTE group Telecommunications Museum is organizing for a second year a digital meeting with the remote schools of the region.

In these new art workshops designed by M art, students are invited to get to know the Museum even from afar, to create, to be inspired, to communicate in unexpected ways and have fun!

Ring-ring! A puppet story comes alive at the Museum!

Inspired by Evgenios Spatharis and Bernd Ogrodnik, students will be able to create their own unique telephone-operator puppet with fabrics, buttons and threads. At the same time, they will give its final form by hearing old interviews from OTE operators and their own fantasy.


Suitable for ages: Kindergarten, first and second class of primary school


14/11, 23/01, 13/02, 06/03, 08/05

Time: 11-12.30


This program is  free and aimed exclusively addressed to remote schools in Greece.

For more information:

Call centre: 2109246600

ext: 201 | Rena Kalogerini

ext: 211 | Roi Kosmopoulou, Penny Kostaki

email : kids@m-art.gr

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